summer camp

True Friendship

True Friendship

True friendship takes at least two ingredients: the chance to be your true self and at least one other person who can connect with you to something larger than one person. Lifelong, indelible friendships are built at summer camps all over the world because they create communities in which these two ingredients are available with abundance.

Gratitude in Action

Gratitude in Action

Action is more important than words or feelings. Yes, I want to have a more grateful outlook on life but my actions will show me and everyone else what I truly believe. Jerry Sternin said something about this: It’s easier to act your way into a new way of thinking, than think your way into a new way of acting.

We need to stop just writing our thoughts down in a gratitude journal but start acting them out as well.

Giving the Gift of Camp

Giving the Gift of Camp

If you could help a child have the opportunity to learn lifelong skills, create connections with kids and mentors from all over, and have so much fun that the memories will literally make them smile for years, would you?

Of course you would! Let me tell you how I got involved with SCOPE and why you should help, too.